Illustration for the novel "Shizuku" by Kanako Nishi.
(Shizuku means a drop. It's composed of some short stories.)
Illustration for the novel "Shizuku" by Kanako Nishi.
(Shizuku means a drop. It's composed of some short stories.)
Illustration for the short story "Shizuku" by Kanako Nishi.
Illustration for the short story "Mokuren" by Kanako Nishi.
(Mokuren means Magnoria. )
Illustration for the short story "Haizara" by Kanako Nishi.
(Haizara means an ashtray.)
Illustration for the short storie "Randoseru" by Kanako Nishi.
(Randoseru means a schoolchild's satchel )
For novels

For novels

for novels
